2013 NSF DMR MGI Workshop: The Materials Genome Initiative in Ceramics, Geosciences, and Solid-State Chemistry

Supported by the National Science Foundation through:
NSF DMR 1216415 (Ceramics) and NSF DMR 1115294 (SSMC)

Date and Venue: Thursday February 21 and Friday February 22, 2013, at the Holiday Inn, Ballston-Arlington, VA


Alex Navrotsky, UC Davis
Greg Rohrer, Carnegie Mellon
Ram Seshadri, UC Santa Barbara
Pat Woodward, Ohio State

This NSF-sponsored workshop will discuss aspects of research and education related to the Materials Genome Initiative, as applicable to the areas of ceramics and solid state and materials chemistry.

This workshop is an outgrowth of two prior "future directions" workshops organized in the recent past by Greg Rohrer (supported by NSF-DMR Ceramics) and by Ram Seshadri (supported by NSF-DMR Solid State and Materials Chemistry) to discuss what the future holds in these respective areas.

Website of the 2011 SSMC Workshop ("Materials by Design") held at UCSB, March 2011, and the MRS Bulletin article that resulted.

Website of the 2012 Ceramics Workshop held March 2012 at the Westin Arlington Gateway, and the J. Am. Ceram. Soc. article that resulted.

Hotel and Venue

The Holiday Inn, Ballston, Arlington, VA (at the Glebe/Fairfax room).

General themes

1. How can ceramists, geoscientists, materials theorists, and solid-state chemists better communicate amongst each other to advance the general area of new materials discovery.

2. How can high throughput synthesis and experiments, data mining, and ideas drawn from the emerging field of "big data" help accelerate materials discovery.

Some questions to be considered

1. What are the simulation techniques most relevant to guiding experimental work? What is missing?

2. What computationally accessible materials properties would guide the search for new materials?

3. What are the synthesis/characterization advances that — in the next few years — are likely hasten new materials discovery?

4. What missing experimental measurements are retarding the ability to refine/improve theoretical models.

5. What gaps exist between quantities that can be computed and those that can be measured?

6. To what extent can the results of computation be bridge from/to longer/shorter length scales.

7. What can ceramists and solid-state chemists learn from the geosciences, and how can communication be enhanced?

8. How can experimental and computational data be better archived so that it is easily searchable?

Regarding education and curricula

1. What are mechanisms to bring MGI into the undergraduate and graduate Materials/Chemistry/Physics curriculum?

2. Can MGI be brought into the curriculum through one or more dedicated courses.

3. Can MGI principles be seamlessly interwoven throughout a Materials/Chemistry/Physics curriculum?

4. What is the scope for increasing the exposure of Materials Science undergraduates and graduates to the Earth Sciences and vice-versa?

Program, with titles of talks



The workshop is supported by the National Science Foundation


Naomi Recania
Materials Research Laboratory
University of California, Santa Barbara CA 93106-5121
Phone: (805) 893 2637
email: naomi@mrl.ucsb.edu